Apple introduced its newest product, Vision Pro, at its WWDC developer conference. The $3,499 mixed-reality headset, marking the companyโs first significant innovation since the Apple Watch in 2014, aims to revolutionize how users interact with apps by blurring the line between the digital and physical worlds.
The Vision Pro offers a unique blend of cutting-edge hardware and software. It sports a singular piece of three-dimensional formed laminated glass that smoothly flows into an aluminium alloy frame, enveloping the userโs face. Custom micro-OLED displays deliver crystal-clear images, providing a visual experience more vibrant than a 4K TV. The headset is equipped with an array of advanced cameras and sensors that understand the environment and detect hand input. Spatial Audio, generated by speakers positioned near the userโs ears, further enhances immersion.
What sets Vision Pro apart is how users interact with it. They navigate through the digital world using their eyes, hands, and voice. The headsetโs unique feature, EyeSight, can make the device transparent or opaque, indicating whether the user is immersed in the digital world or open for real-world interactions. It can also create a realistic avatar of the user for a more engaging experience.
A Mixed Response
Given the bearish market for VR devices, Appleโs decision to focus on augmented reality (AR) over virtual reality (VR) appears strategic. Yet, despite the sophistication and appeal of Vision Proโs design, there are some concerns. Scepticism within Apple about the deviceโs relevance and its hefty price tag have sparked debate. Furthermore, Appleโs stock dipped by about 1% after the announcement.
Despite the controversy, Apple Vision Pro represents a leap forward in spatial computing. Whether watching 3-D movies with spatial audio, viewing personal pictures or videos, gaming, or using it for work with video conferencing apps and tools such as Microsoft Office or Adobe Lightroom, the Vision Pro offers a plethora of applications. The device is set to ship in 2024, marking the dawn of a new era in Appleโs product lineup.